Tabatha Saville

Tabatha Saville


About Tabatha Saville

Of course, I’d be happy to help you improve the text. However, it seems like the text you wanted to be improved is missing. Could you please provide the text you’d like assistance with, and I’ll do my best to make it more human-like and professional?
Profile Details
Full NameTabatha Saville
BornMarch 14, 2025, --
Batting StyleRight Handed Bat
Bowling Style

Tabatha Saville Career Statistics

Career Batting Stats

FormatMatches (M)Innings (Inn)Not Outs (NO)Runs (R)High Score (HS)Average (Avg.)Balls Faced (BF)Strike Rate (SR)Hundreds (H)Fifties (50x)Fours (4s)Sixes (6s)

Career Bowling Stats

FormatMatches (M)Innings (Inn)Balls (B)Runs (R)Wickets (W)BBMAverage (Avg.)Economy (Econ.)Strike Rate (SR)5W10W

Tabatha Saville

Tabatha Saville - Tabatha Mary Shania Saville - 974

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